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5 Tips To Get Your Body Summer Ready

5 Tips To Get Your Body Summer Ready

With the summer holidays just around the corner, we can all feel a little daunted at the prospect of lounging by the pool or walking along the beach in our swimwear. Here at Hampshire spa, SenSpa we want everyone to feel confident and relaxed in their skin so, we have caught up with holistic skin care therapist Sarah Brown. Sarah will help you get summer body ready through effective skin care tips and natural body products, leaving your skin glowing and ready for your summer holiday.


Full Body Exfoliation 

Exfoliating at least twice a week helps to encourage cell turnover to reveal bright skin, giving you a glowing complexion ready for summer. Regular exfoliation will also help other natural body care products absorb deeper for a more positive effect.



Now that you have revealed that gorgeous fresh skin, keep it that way by moisturising regularly, especially after showering or bathing. If you suffer with dry skin hydrate your skin first by using a natural body oil such as ESPA Restorative Bath & Body Oil then apply a body moisturiser. Moisturisers are designed to prevent moisture loss so will act as a barrier to the oil.

Sun Protection with SPF 

Sunscreen should be used all year round, especially if you’re going to be spending time in the sun. It will help to prevent painful sunburn and help to keep wrinkles at bay as well as helping to avoid other skin damage. Find out more about SPF.  

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 

Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out but remembering to drink can be a little tricky. Jazzing up your water with lime, lemon, mint, and other herbs can make reaching for your water bottle more enticing or why not try a superfood shot, smoothies, shakes or even a cooling ice pop. 

Don't Forget Your Feet!

Putting on your summer outfit, you might notice some things that haven’t been brought to your attention until sandals came out. Foot scrubs and balms are just what you need to keep your feet looking sandal worthy this summer. 


 Check out the Flip Flop Ready Feet blog for more helpful tips.


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