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Menopausal Wellness: Embracing Emotional Harmony With Nutritional Therapy

Menopausal Wellness: Embracing Emotional Harmony With Nutritional Therapy
Lucia Glover Menopause Nutritionist Headshot

This month, we’re raising awareness of the Menopause, in line with World Menopause Month in October, and coinciding with the launch of our Moments for Me Menopause Spa Day. Today, we’re sharing an exclusive chance for our readers to book a unique 60-minute menopause consultation at the reduced rate of £75 with registered nutritional therapist and BANT practitioner, Lucia Glover, serving as the perfect complement to our Moments for Me package. This no-commitment, hassle-free introductory offer is exclusive to our readers, who can experience the consultation without signing up to the full nutrition course. Read on to find out more…

Indulge in a transformative journey to wellness with "NourishMe", meticulously designed by Lucia Glover to support and nurture women navigating the menopausal journey.

Take control over your emotional well-being and rediscover your radiant glow through personalised nutritional strategies specifically addressing menopausal symptoms such as sleep disturbances, brain fog, mood imbalances, stress, anxiety, and panic. Whether you're seeking to boost energy levels, balance your hormones, or enhance overall vitality, Lucia's evidence-based approach empowers you with practical and sustainable strategies, supporting your body through this transition and promoting emotional resilience and balance. 

In this personalised session, Lucia engages in a detailed discussion about your health goals and concerns, delving into your current lifestyle, dietary habits, and wellness aspirations. Leveraging her extensive knowledge and experience, she guides you towards a path of enhanced well-being, tailoring insights to your unique needs and goals.

By the session's end, you'll depart with a personalised roadmap for nourishing your body, fostering a deeper understanding of the role nutrition plays in your overall well-being. In addition, you will receive the following:

  • GP referral letter for testing, if required
  • Supplement plan, if needed
  • Relevant handouts and guidance documents to bolster your transformative menopausal journey.

SenSpa Tea

This consultation adopts a holistic, whole-body approach to nourishment, addressing both physical and mental well-being. Lucia's warm and supportive demeanour creates a safe space for open discussions about your concerns, ensuring you receive expert advice.

Take the first step towards a healthier and more vibrant you with "NourishMe". Your journey to wellness begins here, moving through a rejuvenating experience, and embracing emotional harmony and well-being during the transformative menopausal phase.

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